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Farting can be a great relief if you can let it blow. But what if you have to fart above average and you are just ‘windy’ in company… Every person farts a few daily, but if air is continuously escaping, you have trouble holding back or you have no control, then that indicates often on a problem. If you fart hard with little odor, that is often a sign that something is not right with your carbohydrate digestion. Soft farts that you can’t hear, but that smell strongly, could indicate a problem in your protein digestion. Do you fart a lot and often have a bloated stomach? Then stop with the refined sugars, so that your intestinal flora gets the chance to recover.

By experimenting with food and omitting refined sugars, dairy and grains (gluten), it is possible to find a solution yourself. Find out what your body does and doesn’t attract in terms of food.

Causes of Flatulence

Flatulence is often accompanied by a bloated stomach and the cause is difficult to identify because it can have dozens of causes. For example, a shortage of stomach acid, an overgrowth of the candidagist, the use of certain medicines or a food hypersensitivity. In everyone there is always some amount of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. This gas gets there by swallowing air when eating. When processing undigested food residues that end up in the large intestine, a lot of gas is also released. A small part of the gas comes from the circulatory system. Gas is released from the blood into the gut and then released back into the blood through the gut.

When are you extremely windy?

The gas in your intestines consists of the odorless gases, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. The nasty smell of winds has to do with a small amount of foul-smelling gases. These are, for example, sulfur compounds that are released during the breakdown of certain proteins that you may eat too much. A more sour smell is the result of fermentation in your gut. That sour smell mainly occurs when you eat too much sugarand ate starch. The composition and smell of the intestinal gas has to do with the diet and your intestinal flora. To get rid of the intestinal gas, an average of 15 farts are farted per day. If you are way above that then it becomes an annoying problem. You are extremely windy and people are often ashamed of it. They will avoid contacts and do not dare to discuss this subject with the GP.

Complaints you may experience

A fart is actually gas and if this gas accumulates, complaints such as abdominal pain and/or a swollen abdomen arise. If you suffer from flatulence, it can be the result of constipation or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal diseases such as gluten intolerance (celiac disease), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The autoimmune diseases Crohn’s and Colitis are usually accompanied by extra gas.

A final factor to take into account with flatulence is that you may have a specific intolerance or allergies. If you are really bothered by your flatulence, which is called flatulence, then it is worth taking a good look at this, do your research. What do you eat and what do you drink. What happens to my body if I remove this product from my diet or add that product. What does the smell of my fart or my stool tell me?

Tip: Keep a food diary!

If extreme flatulence causes a lot of discomfort or is accompanied by other complaints, it is wise to discuss this with your doctor. If certain foods are the cause of flatulence, a dietitian can help you identify the cause and continue to eat healthy.

What can you do yourself against flatulence?

Start with the food you consume and what and how much you drink. Preventing winds starts on your plate. Find out what your body likes and dislikes, eat slowly, take your time and chew well. In addition to onions and beans, peas, leeks and cabbages such as Brussels sprouts, garlic and mushrooms are also famous gas generators. Carbonated drinks contain a lot of dissolved gases, which also have to leave the body. Swallowing air, for example by eating and talking at the same time, also contributes to the amount of air in the abdomen.

Is it bad for you to fart?

No it’s just right! So eat those healthy onions and beans, the gases that are released when you fart can fight diseases. The small amount that is in a wind can prevent health damage. Not only does the risk of cancer, stroke and heart attacks decrease, but also arthritis and dementia in later life can be prevented by letting go. In addition, holding back a wind is not good for the intestines at all. And if you never let go of wind, your body has a shortage of nutrients again! Those fifteen winds a day is a sign of healthy gut bacteria. Whoever lives healthy, simply blows the wind. It means that the digestive system is working properly. If you fart a lot more than average, then there is something wrong with your intestinal flora.

Possible treatments

There is no medicine for flatulence. But after a poo transplant , this problem can also disappear like snow in the sun. Even the smell of those few farts that you still make every day changes.