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Taking poop against diseases: ‘Intestinal flora has an effect on your entire body’

Taking poop against diseases: ‘Intestinal flora has an effect on your entire body’

Once again I receive an article about faecal transplants, this time from RTL Nieuws. I hear it’s even been on television. Because I have been receiving similar articles for 9 years that promise a lot of prosperity and development, I will put the story next to the practice.

The article:

A gorilla had been given antibiotics and was doing very badly. As a solution, they administered another gorilla’s poop and the problems were resolved shortly after.

They have become increasingly positive in recent years, the messages, and a poop transplant is increasingly embraced by the people. A researcher named James Kinross cautiously exclaims that it can help fight various diseases. Alzheimer’s, intestinal disorders and rheumatism. He conveniently forgets to mention a very long laundry list. All linked to poor intestinal flora. For the first time I hear antibiotics as the culprit. In practice, for 9 out of 10 people I speak to, it is the start of the problems. Usually from bad to worse. Only the explanation that this ‘infection C. Difficile is caused by antibiotics’ is brief.

First: Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that can produce toxic substances, so-called toxins. These toxins cause an infection of the intestinal lining.

Second: Antibiotics.. It’s good that it exists for many problems, but unfortunately it has been so horribly abused over the years! And that started in World War II. In addition to the ‘problem’, it also destroys a lot of good bacteria! It is like a shot of hail that also causes innocent victims. As a result, certain species gain the upper hand, bad bacteria such as C. Difficile get more room to multiply and the balance is completely lost. Bacteria species that have a different task will partly take over tasks, so they will no longer be able to fully perform their own task and the misery will begin. Antibiotics indirectly cause a problem such as Clostridium difficile. But poor gut flora can lead to many other problems. In my case it was a case of Crohn’s disease.

I notice the sad result with testing in recent years, I have to reject more and more young people because they carry a BMRO. These are types of bacteria that live in the intestines and that are resistant to certain antibiotics! In addition, the contemporary lifestyle. Must and have things. The stress we carry with us. The food in the store getting worse and worse, etc. Not conducive to the intestinal flora.

The article continues: Treatment with poop.

In the Netherlands, people are already being given poop. That still happens with only one condition, called the C. Difficile infection. This is an infection that can cause diarrhea, among other things. This is caused by people using a lot of antibiotics that wipe out the intestinal flora. “A faecal transplant has been proven effective for the C.Diff infection,” says Liz Terveer, medical microbiologist at the LUMC. Our poop contains a healthy intestinal flora. “Think of healthy bacteria, parasites and fungi that work together as an entire ecosystem. That ecosystem can support important processes in the body.”

Ten info: A donor who has a parasite with us loses weight!

If a donor has not been properly tested and has a dienamoeba fragilis, for example. And the recipient who is in most cases treated out and often left to her fate. If that seriously ill person gets a parasite over it, it can even be fatal. Now, of course, I sometimes speak to people who have begged doctors to get this. Unfortunately, the practice is that all types of antibiotics are first administered and that only 5 to 10 people per year (in the Netherlands) receive a faecal transplant. And then really only with C. Difficile infection (popularly known as ‘hospital bacteria’).

Success rate with antibiotics is 30%. The success rate with a faecal transplant for C. difficile infection is 95%.

From time to time I also speak to people who were allowed to participate in trials in the hospital. A lady told me that it would benefit her but unfortunately it was not enough. When she reported back to the hospital she was told that the trial had ended and she could no longer receive anything. The donor was not allowed to approach them. The researcher takes the floor again and has forgotten that he had given Alzheimer’s as an example and confuses it with Parkinson’s. At the moment he is going to conduct research into whether there is a connection between the brain and the intestines.. The good man wouldn’t really think that there are butterflies in his stomach, would he? The whole body is connected! This was scientifically proven in 1872 with the Vagus Nerve. A term has even been coined for this: ‘The brain-gut axis connection’. It is known that the diversity of the gut microbiome decreases around the age of 50. Will Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disappear completely? No, I do not think so. Will it improve? Yes, there is that chance with a poop transplant. A study has already proven this.. ‘In 2008, Thomas Borody researched patients with dangerous intestinal infections who also had Parkinson’s disease. The transplant, which was intended to fight the infection, also reduced the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease’.

With a transplant you replenish the missing or underrepresented bacterial species. As a result of which the balance can be restored, on which your immune system becomes stronger again and complaints decrease and can disappear. I continue to be amazed at the snail’s pace of accepting this matter. The velvet gloves used to handle the subject. No, you can’t patent poop. That’s the whole problem. But it can’t be the case that that’s why you can’t help people with it?!

De onderzoeker gaat in het artikel een paar millimeter de diepte in en om dat kracht bij te zetten wordt James de onderzoeker voor het eerst arts-microbioloog genoemd. Een snelle check op google leert dat dit inderdaad zo is. Een heel boek over het microbioom heeft hij geschreven. Hij legt een verwarrende stelling neer die hier op neerkomt:

People with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, who remarkably often have a poor intestinal flora.. Is that from Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, or the other way around? Lagging behind with the question of what it is really about. If it is up to the intestinal flora, can we still treat those people? His answer: That is not yet possible with a pill.

That’s not an answer to the question, but it really does suggest that it’s possible. After all, an explanation about nasogastric tubes follows. So that it does not enter the stomach, because it kills a lot of bacteria.

The interviewer asks the logical question and probably with a puzzled head; Isn’t that possible with a capsule? No, no, no, it comes through the stomach anyway. I just explained that and a capsule like that requires quite a bit of developmen

I see myself again, at the end of 2014, in the house of a good friend who fortunately gave me a temporary roof over my head. In his kitchen with an empty stomach. Finally with a fresh turd from that sports friend (to whom I am still immensely grateful). Struggling with the white capsules that I first had to dip in a liquid to make them STOMACH RESISTANT. I am so happy that I have been able to buy ready-made gastro-resistant capsules for years now, because what a job that was 9 years ago.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry about it. But it ends with annoyance as always.

The article closes with a half warning; That a donor must be properly screened by a reputable stool bank, otherwise it is dangerous. As if people don’t know through social media how and what to test. That’s what you get when people know or feel that it can help, share experiences with each other, but you can’t get hold of it. The danger, of course, is that usually no re-inspection is done. If you want to do it right, the donor must be examined before and after the donation. As an individual it is actually impossible to do. The results of such a test simply take a long time to arrive and in the meantime a potential donor may have contracted all sorts of things before the results are received.

so was I, sitting in the kitchen like this because no one could help me. With a ‘gut feeling’ that this was the solution for me. Just like so many people right now who are out of treatment.

This blog is based on the following (dutch written) article

Clic here for the article

Unfortunately I never got to see the broadcast.