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When do you speak of constipation?

Constipation or constipation disrupts your normal bowel movements. Normally you go to the toilet once or twice a day for the big errand. Everyone has their own bowel movement rhythm. But if the intestines are clogged and you only go a few times a week, that can cause problems. You therefore speak of constipation if the stool comes less often than usual and is discharged with difficulty and pain.

Causes of constipation

The cause of clogged intestines is usually due to a poor diet with too little fiber and drinking too little fluid. Too little exercise or not enough rest is also not good for digestion. Constipation can also occur under the influence of stress. In some people, constipation is even the cause of recurring headaches or fatigue.

Constipation can also occur during a trip or with an illness. The body then has to adapt to the new situation, which can take several days. In addition, some medicines have constipation as a side effect.

Complaints you may experience

If you continue to suffer from a difficult bowel movement for two to three weeks and there is also mucus or blood in the stool, the complaints have piled up. From small, like more flatulence , to a little bigger. This is mainly pain in the lower abdomen due to the hardening of your stool and your rectum that becomes full. The intestinal contents remain in the large intestine for too long and are difficult or slow to exit. Because more water than normal is withdrawn from the stool, it becomes hard and can lead to painful bowel movements. For this reason, it is not recommended to stop defecating. Because the stool remains in the intestines for too long, waste products are reabsorbed into the blood, while they should normally have left the body.

It is also not uncommon if you do not have a bowel movement for a day. A short-term blockage is not at all a reason to panic. The result of a blocked intestine is that you get a bloated stomach . You become nauseous and tend to vomit. Loss of appetite occurs, causing weight loss over a prolonged period. More restlessness arises in your body and mind, which in turn can result in confusion. The stomachaches are increasing and the uncertainty in your social enterprises is increasing. Serious problems arise such as hemorrhoids or tears near the anus or an intestinal perforation. Even peeing can be more difficult.

If you are taking medication, you can discuss with your doctor whether this could be the cause of your problems. Perhaps there is another type of drug that does not cause these side effects. Then check whether a cancer test can be done. A tumor can also be the cause of your constipation.

What can you do yourself against constipation?

Eat healthier and drink more water. The good gut bacteria produce substances such as organic acids that help propel the food mash regularly and easily in your intestines. If you suffer from intestinal blockage, this can be caused by your intestinal flora producing too few acids. There is a good chance that certain groups of good gut bacteria are underrepresented and there is too much of a harmful type of bacteria present.

Adjustment of the diet can already positively influence the composition of the intestinal flora. With the help of natural means, bad bacteria can be inhibited and good bacteria can be supported and thus increase in number. Foods rich in fiber can help get the congested bowel movement going again. Oranges, plums and unpeeled apples also stimulate bowel movements. You can also take extra bran because it contains a lot of fiber. Make sure you drink a lot, otherwise the bran will cause constipation! Take the time to eat slowly and chew your food well.

Get more exercise and pay attention to your rest. All conducive to good digestion and better bowel movements. Go to the toilet immediately if you have an urge and take your time. Try to find a good balance between exercise and relaxation in your daily routine.

Possible treatments for constipation

But what to do in case of constipation? Is there constipation treatment? In the worst case, you will have to have surgery or a stent will be placed if it turns out that the cause is a tumor. Clearing the blockage of your intestines is usually done through the use of constipation medication, laxatives. But that is not good at all for your intestinal flora and with a lot of use it can even make your intestines lazy, which increases the chance of constipation. If it is necessary, because nothing else works, never do it for long periods of time and certainly not without consulting your doctor.

A natural tip is raw vegetables with extra olive oil, which also has a laxative effect. If the gut flora has been weakened by an illness, or by the use of antibiotics that have killed both the bad and the good gut bacteria, the gut flora needs recovery time. In case of constipation, it can make sense to strengthen the intestinal flora by using so-called probiotics. However, a lot of sugars are often added to this and the doses are low and also have to go through the stomach. For probiotics, you have to be patient before you notice anything. A poo transplant is also an underexposed possibility here.