Farting can be a great relief if you can let it blow. But what if you have to fart above average and you are just ‘windy’ in company… Every person farts a few daily, but if air is continuously escaping, you have trouble holding back or you have no control, then that indicates often on a problem. If you fart hard with little odor, that is often a sign that something is not right with your carbohydrate digestion. Soft farts that you can’t hear, but that smell strongly, could indicate a problem in your protein digestion. Do you fart a lot and often have a bloated stomach? Then stop with the refined sugars, so that your intestinal flora gets the chance to recover.
By experimenting with food and omitting refined sugars, dairy and grains (gluten), it is possible to find a solution yourself. Find out what your body does and doesn’t attract in terms of food.